Thursday, July 7, 2011


Here are some of the records that were released to me by the city secretary's office of Weslaco via open records request:

Please review them and the documents speak for themselves.......

1 comment:

David said...

On this first link there is a conflict of interest questionnaire filled out by CDM Constructors Inc. listing John F. Cuellar (as manme of Officer) furthermore this local government officer is receiving and likely to receive taxable income........the answer is goes on to say in letter D. Describe each employment or business relationship with the local government officer named in this section.The answer is 1) Minimal staffing companies available in Rio Grande Valley(and there is scribbles like the document got doctored because it is not corrected correctly when one makes a mistake, you have to strike through it and initial it and dated etc..) At any rate after the scribbles it states: CDM constructors Inc occassionally has need for additional staffing. Thus may use Extra Extras Inc for projects, and then a big line and scribble at the end again without proper correction......

First of all there are more than minimal amount of staffing companies available in Rio Grande Valley......if this statement meant that there are minimal amount of temp. common working employers than that is different....My question to the commissioners is why are we awarding contracts to companies that do not have the proper staffing to do the job that they are being awarded via a contract? This is very convinient.....I would understand if it was a highly skill that was in demand etc. but again Extra Extras Inc is a temp common worker employer...nonskilled laborers.....
This can influence the way the commissioner votes because it benefits his company if he gets hired....and he usually does....regardless of the cost to the city etc. etc. This is one of 4 companies that I will post on this blog....